The IJISS created with the goal of spreading academic papers, research findings, and exchanging ideas, knowledge, and new developments. Intelligence, Sciences, Social Sciences and Sustainability Experts in related subjects from a variety of international institutions assessed each paper.
In a learning-based society, knowledge and imagination that emphasizes creativity and a focus on research to be able to use it to produce innovations and commercialize them with a combination of Integrating content from multiple disciplines based on potential and needs.
As a challenge of the Advanced Intelligence Society era 6.0 society, "new breed of researchers" should change their roles to be facilitate, Coaching, Motivate & Inspire, and Mentor.
Academic Journal Editorial Office truly hopes that this journal will be an academic platform for researchers, academics, and all readers to stimulate thoughts and exchange knowledge "Learning in the Advanced Social intelligence Era" in order to participate in igniting or extending ideas. This will result in a paradigm shift in cognition, which will effect the transformation of the learning process. innovation manufacturing in order to keep up with the globe and technology in the Advanced Social intelligence Era.
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